Good Morning Americans for the Arts Members,
We’re officially past the mid-way point in September and pumpkin is in the air (or at least in the lattes at Starbucks)! I’m bringing you a round-up of all of the great things we have coming up on ArtsU in the second half of the month.
Remember that all of these great events are 100% FREE to you as a member benefit, so register for as many as you would like. All events are recorded, so if you aren’t able to tune-in live, register anyway to have first access to the recording.
September 2019 Member Briefing - Diversity in Arts Leadership Programs
Tuesday, September 17 @ 3:00PM EDT
For September we will be joined by Emma Osore, Program Manager, Equity in Arts Leaders with Americans for the Arts. Emma will talk about AFTA’s expansion of its Diversity in Arts Leadership program,
including how we have moved this program from being New York based to a national model. Emma will discuss why we decided to do the expansion, communities that we have been working with, what we’ve learned from the process, and what’s next.
September 2019 Private Sector Network Call: Building Partnerships with Your Chamber of Commerce
Thursday, September 19 @ 4:00PM EDT
Chambers of Commerce are important partners in our communities. They convene businesses, advocate for business-friendly policies, and have a voice at the economic-development table. It’s important
for local arts agencies to establish partnerships with their Chambers to expand their network, explore new relationships with businesses, and provide the voice for how the arts can be part of community-building solutions. Hear from Nicole Mullet, Executive
Director at Arts Now in Akron, OH, and Steve Millard, President & CEO of the Akron Chamber of Commerce, about their partnership and what they hope to accomplish.
Working Outside the Box: What do Alternative Organizational Models Look Like?
Tuesday, September 24 @ 3:00PM EDT
Leadership and the related organizational structure sets the tone of each nonprofit organization and provides the framework to envision what is possible. Organizational structures provide opportunities
for staff to participate, influence, and ideate at various levels. This webinar will build upon the framework presented in the first webinar by providing examples of alternative organizational models. We will explore models that differ from the traditional
"top-down" non-profit hierarchy and exemplify values of equity and inclusion.
Supporting Individual Artists: Literary Artist Edition
Wednesday, September 25 @ 3:00PM EDT
How can organizations support literary artists as they strive to advance their work? Join Carla Du Pree, fiction author and Executive Director of CityLit Project, as well as artists Andrew Simonet
and Christina Chiu, for a webinar as we explore ways that organizations can offer support and opportunities to literary artists, as well as how artists can engage with the larger literary community, and what resources are available to them.
Supporting Individual Artists Coffee Chat: Disaster Support for Artists
Thursday, September 26 @ 2:00PM EDT
What types of disaster support do artists need to thrive?
Join Carrie Cleveland, Education + Outreach Manager with CERF+, for a conversation about disaster support for artists. Carrie will talk about wow CERF+ has expanded its work from emergency relief to include serving
artists BEFORE emergencies and the specific needs of artists before and after emergencies; building the artists safety net: how we can work together to keep artists working; what resources CERF+ has available to support artists in your community.
Unleashing Your Data Drive User Experience Superhero
Friday, September 27 @ 3:00PM EDT
A happy customer is a returning customer! How can you use your data to create positive user experiences? This webinar will look at how to use basic analytics to make decisions that lead to authentic user interactions.
October 2019 Mid-Career Leaders Network Call
Wednesday, October 1 @ 3:00PM EDT
Join us each quarter for conference call with the Mid-Career Network of Americans for the Arts. Each call features a Mid-Career Leaders in the Arts and Culture field, discusses trends in the
sector, includes open space for Mid-Career Leaders to share and receive feedback, has an Americans for the Arts update, and more. Mid-Career Leaders from across the arts and culture sector are encouraged to join. This month we’ll be talking about second careers.
In the field we are seeing an increasing amount of leaders either coming in from a different sector or switching roles within the sector. Join us for a conversation on navigating this second career space.
Yours in Learning,
Cristyn Johnson
Local Arts Advancement Program Manager
Americans for the Arts
1000 Vermont Ave NW 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20005-4940
202.371.2830 x2036
202.789.2830 fax
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