Hello all!


Before we dive in, please use the flowchart below to determine whether this message applies to you:

The flowchart shows that this message is only applicable for people who are members through an organization who haven't yet renewed for 2020.


*Need to see if you’ve renewed? Follow the instructions here. Please note that renewals by phone, fax, or mail can take up to two weeks to process.


I’m writing with a reminder that organizational memberships with Americans for the Arts expire on December 31st, 2019.


As you know, your membership gives you all sorts of access, professional development, and community—including these listservs.


I want to encourage you to take the 2 minutes required to renew your membership now to make sure you experience no disruption in access to your benefits.


You can renew in one of the following ways:


Attn: Membership

PO Box 91261

Washington, DC 20090-1261


Thank you for being a part of the Americans for the Arts family!





Isaac Fitzsimons

Americans for the Arts

1000 Vermont Ave NW 6th Floor

Washington, DC 20005-4940

202.371.2830 x2085

202.789.2830 fax


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Become a member today!