Dear all,


I hope you are well and navigating the challenges of this moment okay.


As you might imagine given what is going on in the world, we at Americans for the Arts are contemplating the possibility of transforming the Annual Convention and Public Art & Civic Design Conference into a virtual event or series of events instead. As part of thinking about that transformation, we’re looking for quick feedback from you, our members, about what you’d like to see, when and how long you’d be able to take part, what registration fees you’d consider, etc.


I’m inviting you to please weigh in on this 100% anonymous survey here:


The survey will be open until next Friday, April 10. Thank you in advance for spending 5 minutes or so giving us your thoughts!


Keep well,





Clayton Lord

Vice President of Strategic Impact
Americans for the Arts

1000 Vermont Ave NW 6th Floor

Washington, DC 20005-4940

202.371.2830 x2022

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