Good morning members of the Arts Education Network listserv,


In my role as the director of arts education at the Maine Arts Commission people often ask questions about putting a price on teaching artists and community arts performing groups. I have noticed that if there is a small fee for each student and/or class to attend a performance in a local theatre that the school/district has some buy-in and are more committed to the learning opportunity. For example, they value the arts learning opportunity, they prepare and do follow up work with the students.


I find this to be also true when teaching artists/performers (of all disciplines) visit a school/classroom.


Two questions:


Thanks in advance for your help!



Make it a great day,



Ms. Argy Nestor
Director of Arts Education

Maine Arts Commission

193 State Street, 25 SHS

Augusta, ME 04333-0025

207.287.2713 Office 


