Thank you for the opportunity to weigh-in on communication. Programming, whether free or at cost should always be culturally relevant, and in alignment with a school's curriculum and instruction. Even if programming is offered for free, there is an impact on instructional time, therefore should be meaningful and relevant to the needs of the school and the community. Planning, either in-person or virtually with all stakeholders, including youth, to come to consensus on what organizations offer schools and communities, is essential and critical for buy-in, sustainability, and cost effectiveness. Cost differentiation can be need-based. For this to work effectively, there may be a need to put schools and communities at the center, and plan backwards arts program offerings. 

On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 12:12 PM Nestor, Argy <> wrote:

Good morning members of the Arts Education Network listserv,


In my role as the director of arts education at the Maine Arts Commission people often ask questions about putting a price on teaching artists and community arts performing groups. I have noticed that if there is a small fee for each student and/or class to attend a performance in a local theatre that the school/district has some buy-in and are more committed to the learning opportunity. For example, they value the arts learning opportunity, they prepare and do follow up work with the students.


I find this to be also true when teaching artists/performers (of all disciplines) visit a school/classroom.


Two questions:

  • In your experience do you find this to be true?
  • Do you know of any info/research/articles/blog posts on the topic of schools paying (or partially paying) for students to attend performances (in local theaters) as compared to outside funding covering all the costs and the impact of either?


Thanks in advance for your help!



Make it a great day,



Ms. Argy Nestor
Director of Arts Education

Maine Arts Commission

193 State Street, 25 SHS

Augusta, ME 04333-0025

207.287.2713 Office 






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