Hello/hola, esteemed colleagues:


I’m sure most of you are aware, but just in case you missed it – don’t miss the deadline on Monday!



The Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design™ will continue its tradition of oering local design workshops that address specic community challenges, and also create a new cohort learning program that will engage rural leaders from up to 20 additional communities.


All rural communities of 50,000 or less are eligible to apply for the CIRD local workshop and learning cohort opportunities. We encourage applications from nonprofits, tribal or municipal governments, regional planning organizations, and other community partners. We hope to hear from a variety of rural communities from a wide range of backgrounds, geographies, and capacities.




Ruby Lopez Harper

Director of Local Arts Services

Americans for the Arts

1000 Vermont Ave NW 6th Floor

Washington, DC 20005-4940

202.371.2830 x2079

202.789.2830 fax


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