Hello County Arts Network members!
I am sure that many of you are looking at your calendar and thinking where has the time gone – it will soon be August and I know I feel the push of the year coming to an end
– in 5 months – LOL
That being said, I wanted to take a moment to share some updates:
We held our annual network meeting on Convention in Denver on June 15. While there was a small attendance, the conversation was engaging and helpful in building personal connections and sharing insights with the
CAN steering committee.
We are holding a call for new steering committee members. Steering committee members serve a one year term, effective July 1 to June 30 and renewable for one additional term. We typically have 5-7 members that
work with me to guide and inform program planning. The steering committee meets monthly via video conference calls.
If you are interested, please email me directly at
rharper@artsusa.org. I’ll be accepting interested parties until August 10.
We will be continuing to provide quarterly trainings and will be hosting our next training in October. Details coming soon.
We are also looking for blog writers to participate in the monthly Local Arts Advancement blog. If you’re interested, please contact Cristyn Johnson, the Local Arts Advancement Program Manager, for more information.
And with that, I return you to your regularly scheduled Friday.
Best regards,
Ruby Lopez Harper
Director of Local Arts Services
Americans for the Arts
1000 Vermont Ave NW 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20005-4940
202.371.2830 x2079
202.789.2830 fax
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Pronouns: she/her/hers