The Arts Education Partnership and Education Commission of the States Release STEAM report.
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Americans for the Arts Releases 2018 Local Arts Agency Profile and Dashboard.
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California Alliance for Arts Education Published Report on Title I + Arts.
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New Report on Houston's Arts Access Initiative from Rice University.
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Thursday, April 18, 2019
2:00 – 3:30pm ET
The quarterly conference call of the Local Arts Education Network (LAEN) of Americans for the Arts. Every call will feature a federal update, updates from Network members, a featured resource and/or research, and more. Arts education leaders focused
on local collective impact initiatives to advance arts education – through shared funding, evaluation, advocacy, or professional development – are encouraged to join. All calls will be recorded and archived in the members-only online space.
Register now for the Americans for the Arts' Annual Convention
The 2019 Americans for the Arts Annual Convention is heading to the Twin Cities! On June 13-16, join more than 1,000 arts leaders in Minneapolis and St. Paul for the professional development opportunity of the year. You won't want to miss 40+ workshops, panels,
and interactive sessions with 100+ speakers, including practicing artists, elected officials, arts administrators, and community leaders. Register today to save up to $150 with our special Early-Bird registration rate—the deepest discount we offer for Annual
Convention! Early-Bird registration is available online, by fax, or by mail.
Learn more.
Arts & Culture Leaders of Color Fellowship
Americans for the Arts (AFTA) has partnered with The Joyce Foundation and American Express Foundation to introduce the Arts & Culture Leaders of Color Fellowship (ACLC Fellowship). The ACLC Fellowship is a one-year professional
development experience for emerging and mid-career arts leaders of color across arts disciplines. The 2019 - 2020 cohort includes fellows from Chicago, Cleveland, and Indianapolis and the 2020 - 2021 cohort will include fellows from Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee,
Minneapolis, and St. Paul. The two-year pilot aims to be a model for systemic national arts leadership change by coupling advanced leadership development for ACLC Fellows with targeted learning opportunities for their close professional mentors and regional
arts leaders who, all together work to advance their approaches to management towards greater racial and cultural equity in the Great Lakes region.
Learn more.
Arts Education Internship Available; Deadline is March 25
The Americans for the Arts Internship Program offers undergraduate and graduate students, as well as recent graduates the opportunity to investigate and participate in the operations of the nation's leading nonprofit for advancing the arts in America. Through
a combination of learning experiences, work projects, and group collaborations, interns become integral members of our team. Interns are expected to participate in daily activities, contribute skills and ideas, and produce excellent work, while preparing to
become the next generation of arts, nonprofit, and cultural leaders.
Learn more.
NEA's Musical Theatre Songwriting Challenge Now Open!
The Musical Theater Songwriting Challenge is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts partnering with the American Theatre Wing and in collaboration with Disney Theatrical Productions and Samuel French, a division of Concord Records. The Songwriting
Challenge is a national competition for high school students who have a passion for writing songs that could be part of a musical theater production and the wide range of musical styles represented in contemporary musical theater including hip-hop, rock, R&B,
country, jazz, and more.
Learn more.
One of Americans for the Arts' newest tools is The 12 Core Competencies of an Arts Education Leader. This leadership framework was developed utilizing four years of in-the-field research and will help arts education supporters understand
the aptitudes, skills, practices, and commitments, which drive professional learning for arts education leaders. The framework underpins curricula utilized by the Facilitators in the Arts Education Speakers Bureau and offers direction in fostering new ways
to envision professional development for arts education leaders.
Read more.
Stay up to date with this curated round-up of state-specific arts education news:
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