From our friends at the NEA…


Ruby Lopez Harper

Director of Local Arts Services

Americans for the Arts

202.371.2830 x2079

Hello All,


I wanted to invite you to serve as a reader for the Challenge America Grant Program at the National Endowment for the Arts.


The commitment would be reading, scoring, and commenting on about 25-35 applications from the end of July through the end of August. You get a small honorarium as our ‘thank you’. If you're interested please send along a resume/CV and your contact information to


It would be fantastic to have some local arts agency staff serve as readers and learn about the process from the other side. It’s definitely a great professional development opportunity, and a way to give back to the arts in this country. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you!

Mary Sellers

Challenge America Specialist | Partnership

National Endowment for the Arts

400 7th Street SW | Washington DC 20506 | 202-682-5480 (p) | 202-682-5609/5610 (fax)

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