Preach, Julie Burros!


From: [] On Behalf Of Julie Burros
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Americans for the Arts] RE: Where does arts & culture live in town/city master plan?


I have seen this go a lot of ways, my take is that when arts and culture is categorized as part of recreation the inherent bias is that it is about participants and the general public, which tends to exclude or minimize attention to the for-profit sector, creative industries and artists and makers. The converse is true if arts and culture is housed in economic development, it tends to focus on industry and jobs and does not address the general public, audience, and participant aspect of the sector. Therefore, the most holistic approach would be for arts and culture to be a stand-alone or executive level division or department so that it can address all aspects of how arts and culture manifests and needs to be supported in your community. 




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Julie Burros | Principal Cultural Planner
Preferred pronouns: she/her

Metris Arts Consulting |

230 Ferry Street, Suite 203 Easton, PA 18042



On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 1:51 PM Melissa Cirone <> wrote:

We just completed a Sacramento plan, called “Creative Edge,” and it is
Sacramento’s Arts, Culture, & Creative Economy Plan.  We tied it very closely with the creative economy work that is happening in economic development and that helped get buy in from so many diverse constituents. Happy to share more info about it.




From: <> On Behalf Of Burk-McCoy, Lisa
Sent: Monday, April 8, 2019 12:55 PM
Subject: [Americans for the Arts] Where does arts & culture live in town/city master plan?


We have a city arts commission that is in the process of drafting an arts & culture plan.  Their work is currently stalled while they negotiate with city planners over where the plan will live within the city master plan.  The arts commission is arguing in favor of creating a new header for “arts, culture & history” (or, alternately, just “cultural resources”); the city wants to locate it under “recreation.”


Can anyone share a precedent or best practices from your town, city or state that we can use to make the case against “recreation” (which not only fails to capture the impact of the arts on community, it establishes a perspective we clearly want to avoid). 


Thank you!


Lisa Burk-McCoy

Creative Communities & Arts in Health


19 Pillsbury Street . First Floor . Concord, NH . 03301 . 603-271-0794


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