Hello, all!

Forwarding on some National Endowment for the Arts news, from our most recent Local Arts Agencies/Fall 2019 newsletter. (Speaking of which, if you aren’t currently signed up to receive our “Locals” newsletter, you can sign up here.)


  1. Call for National Endowment for the Arts Panelists

Serving as a Local Arts Agencies grant review panelist offers a unique opportunity to learn more about the Arts Endowment’s application review process. It can also provide an informative overview on current trends and priorities throughout the field of local arts agencies. Panelists are selected to represent a diverse group of arts experts and other individuals, including at least one knowledgeable layperson. If you are interested in the possibility of panel service, please submit your resume by email.


  1. Careers in the Arts: Accessibility Webinar Series

Next Webinar: October 17, 2019 at 3pm ET

The National Endowment for the Arts’ Office of Accessibility has developed a new webinar series exploring ways to connect people with disabilities to career-building tools and resources in the arts and culture field. Registration is now open for the October webinar, Preparing Students with Disabilities for Careers in the Arts: Approaches for Arts Educators. Archived recordings of all of the series webinars are also available online. 


  1. Sound Health Network

Application Deadline: November 19, 2019

Launched in 2016 as a partnership between the National Institutes of Health and the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, in association with the National Endowment for the Arts, the Sound Health program seeks to expand public understanding of the connections between music and wellness. The Arts Endowment is currently seeking an organization to coordinate the Sound Health Network.




Lara Holman Garritano

Local Arts Agencies & Challenge America Specialist | Partnership

National Endowment for the Arts

400 7th Street SW | Washington DC 20506

garritanol@arts.gov | 202-682-5586 (p) | 202-682-5613/5602 (fax)

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