introducing artsu live
for the Arts workshops to your community! Through our ArtsU Live workshops and trainings attendees gain new skills, knowledge, and connections to further their personal and
organizational goals. Whether you are an emerging leader or a seasoned career professional, we have a workshop for you.
learn, grow, connect
- Meet experts and influencers and ask them questions in real-time.
- Interactive and engaging learning.
- Networking, networking, networking!

Photo: Workshop at the 2018 National Arts Marketing Conference, Seattle, WA, photo by Robert Wade, courtesy of Americans for the Arts.
localized training focused on your community's needs
Americans for the Arts' ArtsU Live Regional Workshop program can create a variety of customizable
trainings and workshops to assist you. These sessions come in a variety of formats and are flexible enough to meet your needs. Training and workshops can be targeted to arts, government,
businesses, education, or combined community groups at the local, state, and national level. Programs use research, case studies, expert speakers, and interactive facilitation to attract attention and energize participation. We offer experiences in a number
of functional and topical areas to expand and enhance your ability to serve your community, offer your staff and arts and culture workforce access to targeted professional development, and learn best practices. Use this in-person experience to augment a suite
of digital modules for an extended learning session.
Some areas we can assist you on include...
Arts and Business Partnerships
for More Info
Our pricing structure is simple and designed to meet broad budget needs. A full-day workshop typically costs $5,000. This includes staff support and preparation of curriculum,
as well as promotion of your event. We also have half-day workshops, keynote
speakers, and 1-2 hour workshop presenters available at a lower rate. Americans for the Arts members receive a 10 percent discount off of their first workshop. Because we are committed
to serving all communities, including those with limited resources, let us know if you require additional assistance or reduced fee consideration. We will do what we can to assist!
Washington, DC Office
1000 Vermont Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20005
T 202.371.2830
New York City Office
One East 53rd Street
New York, NY 10022
T 212.223.2787