Hello All,

I realize I'm inundating you with requests for insight lately. I so appreciate the ability to check-in with this hive mind!

ArtsNow is four and a half years old and will be embarking on our second strategic plan in 2020. We desperately need the right person in this role as this cannot be one of those nonprofit strategic plans where only the organization name changes. We must determine a funding model and focus that allows us to grow.  (We are currently 100% philanthropy funded with 80% coming from one funder.)

My board chair and I have been exploring design thinking as a model for moving us forward, although we are still early the process and very open. (Huge 'thank you' to Kelley Gibson of Cultural Alliance of York County for this suggestion!)

Two requests:

1.) I am in need of an example RFP that would be appropriate for an arts organization looking at what a sustainable business model might look like.

2.) Any consultants you worked with during times of strategic growth where they truly "got it" would be appreciated. 

Additionally, I am very open to any words of wisdom as we approach this process. We've had such great success during the first four years where we were very much forging new group in our county. We must now identify expert guidance who can help us identify models for success.

Thank you so much for your consideration and friendship.

