From a trusted and dear colleague – please share with maker spaces in your community.


Ruby Lopez Harper

Director of Local Arts Services

Americans for the Arts

202.371.2830 x2079


The maker community is working on getting a better understanding of itself, and if you are involved with a makerspace in any way, you can be a part of it! 


The 2019 Survey of Makerspace is the second annual nationwide survey of the maker community, conducted by Nation of Makers. It is a longitudinal study OF the maker community BY the maker community. The information gathered by this survey will be used by makerspaces around the nation for grants, proposals, presentations, and to help establish best practices. The data will also help Nation of Makers ( advocate for policy and resources on a national level, build partnerships, and create educational opportunities so that these community spaces can operate more effectively. 



Participants in the survey can receive a challenge coin if their makerspace, leaders of their makerspace and members of the makerspace complete the survey. Check out for details. 

(Challenge coins will contain a visualization using data from the survey and they will be sent to the makerspace that individuals indicate they belong to in June of 2020.)


Learn more about the survey and help Make the Data!:


Track your local makerspace's participation in the survey! 







Thank you!


Jennifer Deafenbaugh
Visual+Interactive Storyteller


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. | Ralph Waldo Emerson