Hello/hola, here’s the latest news…


NOTE: Items marked with a * will be added to the Resource Center. If you see interesting or helpful items or have a resource to share, please email me at rharper@artsusa.org. We are updating the Resource Center daily, Monday through Friday.







(UPDATE: We will feature new offerings here – free to low-cost opportunities. Previous listings have been moved down to below the signature)

The public health measures instituted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have struck at the very heart of our ability to come together in places as friends, neighbors and communities. How is this reshaping the strategies and tactics that Mural Arts has been using to promote connectivity and strengthen resilience, and what has this been teaching us about the very nature of community?

Join NACo for the first in a series of virtual town halls on reopening America's counties and how county leaders can safely transition local communities and county workforces to a new normal.









Online learning has provided much needed opportunities for arts organizations to continue programming during COVID-19 related closures, but without attention to design, they can also present accessibility issues for participants with disabilities. Join Open Door Arts to review concrete tips, strategies, and resources to make your online programming more accessible.







Ruby Lopez Harper

Senior Director of Local Arts Advancement

Americans for the Arts

1000 Vermont Ave NW 6th Floor

Washington, DC 20005-4940

202.371.2830 x2079

202.789.2830 fax


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Pronouns: she/her/hers




While nonprofit organizations cannot predict the future, they can begin to anticipate how they would adjust to a variety of major and minor shifts in their original strategic plans and budgets so that they are equipped to make difficult, complex decisions as financial or human capital crises arise in the months ahead. Building potential scenarios and back up plans can give leaders, their staff, boards, and funders the confidence they need to press on and continue to deliver on programs. 

Based on the recently released Event Safety Alliance Reopening Guide, this webinar will explore how to determine when to reopen, how to communicate with audiences, how to ensure a sanitized venue, and most importantly, all of the considerations to keep everyone safe, from front-of-house to back stage. We encourage you to read the Event Safety Alliance Reopening Guide (https://bit.ly/ESAGuideToReopening) prior to the webinar.

Has your organization ever placed a big bet on a new program or strategic initiative that fell short of expectations despite careful planning and a major commitment of human and financial resources? Are you relentlessly focused on the mission but failing to make a real impact in your community? Do you have a solution to a major social challenge, just waiting for the perfect time to act? Lean Startup, born out of Lean Manufacturing as a way to reduce physical waste and inefficiency has been adapted to deal with uncertainty, not just inefficiency. Using the scientific method, LS helps teams systematically define and prioritize assumptions they are making then rigorously test them to insure they are building things that matter.

Design for rural areas often plans to bring people together in place and drive economic development for communities. What is the role of design when stay-at-home orders change the environment we live in? How can organizations who work in design respond to economic distress head-on? Join Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design for a special edition of our Rural Design Webinar Series on the coronavirus.

Join us to learn how to develop your case for support and leverage your volunteers to ensure your organization doesn’t lose focus or funding in a noisy year. Donors have a limited amount of funds and attention to give in a year - but what do you do at a time where the world feels smaller than ever, and you’re worried about your message being drowned out by the noise of everything else going on? You need to establish a solid case for support to set your organization apart. By reframing how you communicate your mission and the importance of your work, your organization’s narrative can be heard through all the noise - whether it’s COVID-19 breaking news, election campaigns, environmental emergencies, or competing causes. 

Join us for VIRTUALIZED, a special live online event designed to prepare you for our digital-first future. Kicking off with a special live keynote webinar featuring leading experts in webinar and experiential marketing, it’s followed by a 5-part on-demand webinar certification course that will teach you how to build amazing digital experiences for your audience that engage across the entire customer journey.