An opportunity from one of our field partners.


Ruby Lopez Harper

Senior Director of Local Arts Advancement

Americans for the Arts

202.371.2830 x2079



Dear Colleagues,


The July 31 deadline for the Performing Arts Readiness (PAR) project’s emergency planning grants is rapidly approaching. The goal of this program is to offer resources to assist performing arts organizations with emergency planning and contribute to their sustainability during crises. Please feel free to share the below offering with organizations that you think would benefit from grants supporting the creation of institutional emergency plans.


This PAR program offers grants of up to $7250 for 42 performing arts organizations for the creation of individual institutional emergency preparedness or Continuity of Operations (CoOP) plans:


Complete guidelines and the Emergency Preparedness Planning Grant application form are downloadable here.


Please feel free to contact me with any questions about this program at


Thank you,



Steve Eberhardt

Project Coordinator

Performing Arts Readiness project

1.800.999.8558 x4831




The show must go on!