Here’s the latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) news…
A reminder that we are circulating this news digest weekly on Tuesday. We are continuing to update the Resource Center on a regular basis. If you see interesting or helpful items or have a resource to share, please email me at
We invite you to share this news roundup with your networks and colleagues.
- #artcreateshope.
Tell us how the arts create hope for you! Share your story on social media of the arts creating hope in your life. Don’t forget to tag @americans4arts and include #ArtsCreateHope in your posts. Need a little inspiration? Use our sample language
and download images to get your social post started.
- COVID-19’s Impact on The Arts Research Update: January 11, 2021: The coronavirus has had a devastating impact on America’s arts
sector. Since the first U.S. case was reported on January 20, 2020 cancellations and closings are taking place at thousands of arts organizations across the country, and two-thirds of the nation’s artists are now unemployed. Americans for the Arts leads the
three premier national studies tracking the human and financial impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the arts.
- Book Randy to speak on the pandemic’s impact and rebuilding your community through the arts.
- How the Work of Americans for the Arts Is Addressing
the Urgent Challenges of 2020: In 2020, Americans for the Arts continued its commitment to our vision and planned work, while also pivoting and taking on new, urgent work like so many of our 5,000 member organizations. Here are highlights of some key
areas of this new and urgent work.
- Calling on Artists & Creative Workers to Share Their COVID-19 Experience.Americans for the Arts and Artist
Relief, with support from the Ford Foundation, have launched a second-round survey to understand what is happening to creative workers as we approach the end of the year, and what is needed for recovery. This survey collects the data and stories we need to
advocate for artists and creative workers, so we can all come out stronger on the other side. Please share this link with your artist networks:
- To Rebuild and Reimagine the United States Post-Pandemic, We Must Put Creative Workers to Work,” a policy proposal developed with over 100 partners throughout the creative community to Put Creative
Workers to Work in the national recovery—activating the creative economy and drawing upon the creative energies of the country’s 5.1 million creative workers to energize Americans, reimagine how communities can thrive, and improve the lives of all. Click
here to view the full proposal, and follow the endorsement link at the top to submit your endorsement. You can sign on as either an individual or as an authorized representative for an organization.
- OFFICE HOURS! Extended through 2021 on Fridays (excluding holidays) from
11:00a to 12:00p EDT. Join Nina Ozlu Tunceli with the Americans for the Arts Action Fund to get answers to your most pressing questions about navigating the CARES Act relief programs. Check the link for any additional dates or occasional blackout
- CARES Act Table of Federal Arts Funding Opportunities – This helpful
table breaks down the CARES Act so you can determine which funding opportunities apply to you, whether you represent a nonprofit organization, a governmental agency, a commercial arts company, a self-employed gig worker, or just a taxpayer. The table is regularly
updated and links to helpful FAQs are listed on the last page.
- Book
Nina for your next local, state, or national webinar related to CARES Act funding for the arts and political activities. Free for members.
(We will feature new offerings here – free to low-cost opportunities. Previous listings have been moved down to below the signature)
To celebrate the launch of the Thomas S. Kenan Institute for the Arts’ new podcast, “Art Restart,” and look forward to how artists are reinventing their fields and building a new landscape for the arts, five remarkable
artist leaders from around the country will come together for a virtual salon, where they will discuss what needs to be reinvented in their artistic fields and how they would go about reinventing it.
On December 27, 2020, the $900 billion “Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act” (Economic Aid Act) was signed into law along with a $1.4 trillion federal omnibus FY
21 appropriations bill. Additionally, Congress passed a veto-override to enact the $740 billion National Defense Authorization Act on December 23, 2020, which includes support for creative arts therapies. Join
Nina Ozlu Tunceli, the Chief Counsel of Government and Public Affairs at Americans for the Arts and the Executive Director of the Americans for the Arts Action Fund, and other expert presenters for a two-part webinar series to cover this vast array of
arts funding opportunities on Friday at 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. ET on both January 15, 2021 and January 22, 2021.
- New Jersey State Council on the Arts FY21 COVID Critical Needs Grant Program: Grant requests cannot
exceed 7% of total organizational budget from FY19 or $20,000, whichever is smaller. The COVID Critical Needs Program (CCN) is a single year grant program that provides support for COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE) and safeguarding needs that meets
the Council’s eligibility requirements. Deadline: January 28 at 4pm.
Thanks for reading. We hope you find this news digest to be a helpful tool to navigate this very complex situation, and welcome feedback at If you were
forwarded this and want to sign up for the Local Arts Network listserv to receive it directly, click here.
Jerelle Jenkins
Local Arts Services Coordinator
Americans for the Arts
Safety in the theatre extends to crews, casts, and audience members as well as the venue. This includes performance and rehearsal spaces, shops, and other workspaces. It requires awareness, common sense, and perseverance
to eliminate hazards and guard against carelessness. The goal of this free webinar is to ensure that a safe, healthy environment is maintained at all times. This includes the control and minimization of all known and potential hazards associated within creative,
artistic, and performance development. These risks can be minimized and controlled through proper training, equipment, and use of appropriate precautions, restrictions, and established safe-work practices.