Hi Everyone,
I hope you’re headed into a calmer weekend than what this week brought. I wanted to send along this week’s web round up so you have everything you may want/need going into next week.
This week’s Web Roundup is live and packed with content related to the COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on the arts & cultural sector.
Click here to read the Weekly Web Roundup, which includes links to this content:
- Americans for the Arts’ Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource and Response Center
- Our 5-minute survey assessing the economic impact of the outbreak on arts & culture organizations
- A real-time, interactive dashboard of ongoing responses to the survey
- A statement from Americans for the Arts outlining the devastating economic impact of the virus on the arts & culture sector, and calling on Congress to include relief measures for
our sector in upcoming funding legislation
- Our Arts Action Center campaign that allows anyone in the U.S. to contact their representatives about relief measures for arts & culture nonprofits
- Seven ways funders can support the arts community during this crisis
- A powerful blog about a community hospital’s commitment to bringing art into healing spaces
- A webinar on the health crisis featuring experts from Americans for the Arts, the National Coalition for Arts’ Preparedness and Emergency Response, The Actors Fund, and the National
Endowment for the Arts
- A webinar hosted by the partners of the Alliance for Performing Arts Conferences on navigating the crisis and sustaining healthy relationships
- And, on a different topic altogether, job openings around the country featured this week on Americans for the Arts’ Job Bank
We hope you continue to enjoy this new feature and always welcome your feedback.
Please share with your networks on LinkedIn here:
And on Twitter here:
Jessica Stern
Private Sector Initiatives Programs Manager
Americans for the Arts
1 E 53rd Street 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10022
212.223.2787 x1113
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