Hello Private Sector Network Members!


This is a friendly reminder to join us for our upcoming network call on Monday, 26 at 1:00 p.m. EST to talk about how we define and understand the Creative Economy across the country, highlight projects related to supporting the creative economy and to discuss what’s happening in your community that blurs the line between non-profit and for-profit arts and culture.


If you haven’t already registered, please do so!


We’ll hear from Maryann Lombardi, Chief Creative Economy Officer with the Office of Cable TV, Film, Music and Entertainment for the City of Washington DC, who has done extensive research with her team in DC to put some definitions around what the creative economy is. We’ll hear about some examples from across the country of some activities local arts agencies are engaging in related to the creative economy. We’ll also have time to have a robust conversation about what’s going on in your community related to the topic, and what you think AFTA’s role should be in this work.


Please register today and join us on the call (either by video or phone). Registration is free! We’d just like to have an idea of who will be on the call. Prior to the call we will send out some links to creative economy projects to offer some ideas and hopefully prompt some of your questions.


Many thanks,


Jessica Stern
Private Sector Initiatives Programs Manager
Americans for the Arts
One East 53rd Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10022
T: 212.223.2787 | F: 212.980.4857



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