Good Afternoon All,


The Louisiana Division of the Arts has recently shared a Call for Artists for a public project at the Human Development Center in New Orleans, Louisiana.  This Center serves individuals with disabilities as stated in their mission:


The Mission of the Human Development Center (HDC) is to provide leadership and innovation in interdisciplinary education, community service, research, and to disseminate information to strengthen and increase the capacity of local communities to support and include individuals with [developmental] disabilities and their families in all aspects of life in the community.



The deadline for submissions is March 1st.  If any artists in your network may be interested in this opportunity, please share the link below:




Thank you,

Scott Finch


SCOTT FINCH | Director, Percent for Art

Division of the Arts | Office of Cultural Development | Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism

Mail: PO BOX 44247 | Baton Rouge, LA 70804

Physical address: 1051 N. Third St | Room 415 | Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Phone: 225.342.8200 Main | 225.342.8176 Direct | 225.342.8173 Fax

Email: | Website: