Greetings PANsters,

I’m doing some consulting in Forecast’s home town of St. Paul, MN, developing design standards as part of a team addressing a major redevelopment of the former Ford plant site.  This long-term project includes commercial and residential buildings as well as public spaces, such as parks and plazas, etc. 

1. Are you aware of any cities that have adopted public art design standards for private developers (including those involved in developing POPS (privately owned public spaces)? If so, please share any links to examples, possible contacts, as well as your assessment of them.

2. Do you know of any public art ordinances that contain language addressing design standards or design guidelines for private developers?

3. If you were developing design standards around public art, what would be your top three considerations or statements to include?

Thanks in advance for your help!


PS: I’m glad to share whatever I collect, as well as the final version that the City of St. Paul hopefully adopts.

Jack Becker
Founder and Lead Principal Consultant

2300 Myrtle Avenue, Suite 160
Saint Paul, MN 55114

P    651-641-1128 EXT 101