Our online Public Art Directory has a comment feature for each of its 600+ entries.

Another thing we do is focus on one of our directory entries each week as an “Art Around Town” feature in our weekly arts e-newsletter.  It really helps drive people to find and experience that artwork.  

Julia Muney Moore
Director of Public Art
Arts Council of Indianapolis
924 N. Pennsylvania St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204
O. (317) 631-3301 x240
M. (317) 332-8382
E. jmoore@indyarts.org

On Feb 13, 2019, at 2:30 PM, Elayna Toby Singer <ESinger@pbcgov.org> wrote:

Hello Brilliant Ones,
What methods do you use to prompt the public in self-guided viewing, focused noticing / experiencing works? And how do you invite the public to share their comments, impressions, interpretations about works in the public realm? Also, how do you share the public responses for others to read, listen to, etc. ?
Thank you!
Elayna Toby Singer
Palm Beach County Art in Public Places
2633 Vista Parkway
West Palm Beach, FL 33411
(561) 233-0235 

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