We have a policy of charging no fee to assist with the RFQ and convene a jury. Any services before or after, such as assisting in conceptualizing a project or managing it to completion, carries fees that vary from an hourly rate to a lump-sum based on an estimate of how many hours the services will take, plus reimbursement of expenses.  We don’t charge based on a percentage of the project budget.

Julia Muney Moore
Director of Public Art
Arts Council of Indianapolis
924 N. Pennsylvania St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204
O. (317) 631-3301 x240
M. (317) 332-8382
E. jmoore@indyarts.org

On Mar 2, 2019, at 7:05 AM, Lisa Mariam <lMariam@ARTSFAIRFAX.ORG> wrote:

I’m doing some research into public art consulting fees. Have you been called upon to write and post RFQs and/or manage the selection process for private or corporate entities? If so, did you charge a percentage of the project budget or set fees?

Thank you,


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