Sarah Conley Odenkirk, Esq.
6253 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 201Los Angeles, CA 90028Office: 323.499.1144Cell: 310.990.9581
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On March 4, 2019 at 12:19:00 PM, Bloom, Roberta ( wrote:
Hi Sarah,
We have two ordinances pertaining to public art in private development. One is specifically for Metro Districts and the other is for Transit-Oriented Development. The TOD ordinance specifically cuts the required allocation in half for non-profit organizations. That has been interpreted to include all work in urban renewal zones.
At this point, these recommendations have been made within the development office and then ultimately approved at a higher level. No public hearing was required.
Perhaps that is helpful.
Roberta Bloom
Roberta Bloom, Public Art Coordinator
Department of Library and Cultural Services | City of Aurora
14949 E. Alameda Pkwy., Aurora, CO 80012
office 303.739.6747
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From: [] On Behalf Of Sarah Conley Odenkirk
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2019 11:14 PM
Subject: Public Art in Private Development and Affordable Housing
Dear PAN Colleagues,
Here are a couple of question for those of you who have public art in private development programs that apply to affordable housing:
In order to ensure that a PAPD program that applies to affordable housing does not create an undue burden on the overall project (ie. making the entire project unfeasible or resulting in construction trade-offs that detrimentally impact the overall quality of life for those living in the units):
1. Does your program allow partial exemptions and/or complete exemptions? (Secondary question: are these exemptions available to all developers or just for affordable housing projects?)
2. And if yes, can these exemptions be authorized at the discretion of the public art program managers or must there be a public hearing; or is there another mechanism to grant such exemption?
Thank you all in advance and of course, happy to share responses!
Sarah Conley Odenkirk, Esq.
6253 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 201
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Office: 323.499.1144
Cell: 310.990.9581
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