New Call to Artists from Public Art Dialogue  -- please consider and/or pass along to those that might be interested


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Any questions should be directed to Ashley Corbin-Teich, whose contact information is below:


Ashley Corbin-Teich

Art Director

Public Art Dialogue




Public Art Dialogue- Call for Artist Project Submissions


Public Art Dialogue is accepting artists’ projects submissions for the Public Art and the Environment issue to be published in Fall 2019. Artists' projects are unique artworks and/or art interventions designed specifically for the pages and cover of Public Art Dialogue. Projects should relate to the theme of the particular issue and treat the journal itself as a site/space for public art. Artists of all disciplines and at all points in their careers are encouraged to submit projects to the journal.


Fall 2019

Collaborating with Nature: Public Art & the Environment
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2019
Co-Editors: Cameron Cartiere & Jennifer Wingate

Global climate changes heralding extreme storms and droughts, continually expanding lists of endangered species, and garbage patch islands swirling in the Pacific Ocean are just a few of the environmental concerns that are being addressed by artists working across the public realm. Some may label their work eco-art, while other may address their environmental concerns through a broader array of public art expressions including performances, collaborations with scientists and designers, and community interventions. And while these mounting concerns about a variety of environmental issues are informing many practices in public art, what ethical assumptions underlie various art actions? Are these actions a concern for human well-being? For animals? For all life? Or, even more broadly, for ecosystems? In other words, what are the environmental ethics under consideration? This issue examines topics surrounding environmentally focused art in the public realm. Submissions might explore the visual culture of environmental movements; performances and projections that foster public dialogues using visual means; and historic or contemporary public art projects engaged with environmental concerns and actions.




About Public Art Dialogue

Public Art Dialogue serves as a forum for critical discourse and commentary about the practice of public art defined as broadly as possible to include: memorials, object art, murals, urban and landscape design projects, social interventions, performance art, and web-based work. Public Art Dialogue is a scholarly journal, welcoming of new and experimental modes of inquiry and production. Most issues are theme-based, and each features both peer-reviewed articles and artists' projects. 

The journal is overseen by co-editors Cameron Cartiere and Jennifer Wingate and assisted by an international editorial board, which reflects the diversity and cross-disciplinarity of the public art field. We welcome submissions from art historians, critics, artists, architects, landscape architects, curators, administrators, and other public art scholars and professionals, including those who are emerging as well as already established. The journal is published twice yearly in print and electronic formats in English language only, and is affiliated with the professional society of the same name.


Send all artists’ project submissions and questions to Ashley Corbin-Teich:

For more information about Public Art Dialogue and for submission guidelines please visit







Robin Franklin Nigh

Manager, Art Programs Division

City of Tampa / 306 East Jackson Street / Tampa, Florida 33602

P. 813-274-8531 /

visit us on the web at


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