Dear Public Art Colleagues,

I have a call to artists for a temporary art exhibition that will be produced this Summer. Please share with anyone who you think may be interested. Thank you in advance for sharing! 

Project Description:
For the Summer of 2019 Lansing Art Gallery & Education Center will partner with the City of Lansing’s Parks & Recreation Department to bring up to 20 temporary, site-specific art works along a 3.5 mile stretch of the Lansing River Trail which will stretch from the historic arts district of Old Town Lansing, through the Capital Complex of Downtown Lansing. An estimated 50,000 visitors will enjoy the River Trail during the duration of this project.

Artworks of all media are eligible including but not limited to: wheatpaste, moss art, fiber (i.e. yarn bombing), murals, projections, sound installations, light installations, paintings, sculpture, mixed media, photography, graphic design, and installations. Interactive work is encouraged. Artists, teams or collectives will receive a stipend of $1000 for each work accepted. 

Here is the link to apply:

Katrina M. Daniels

Exhibitions and Gallery Sales Director
Lansing Art Gallery & Education Center
517.374.6400 x3
Pronouns: She, her, hers

Lansing Art Gallery & Education Center provides public awareness, education and enjoyment of the visual arts by promoting the works of Michigan artists.