I was in Va. last month and saw a White Love sculpture at a Fredericksburg Rest Area. A quick Google search shows 130 love sculptures some in different sizes, mediums  throughout the state which I would guess reflects the successful tourism theme "Virginia is for Lovers". Perhaps a Virginia program director could give some background and costs. We are looking at costs for an artist team built sculptural signage to help identify a main St in Ft. Pierce Fl. 

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On Apr 15, 2019, at 3:53 PM, Brueggemann, Sherri <sbrueggemann@cabq.gov> wrote:

Hello PAN members.


Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with having these types of very large letters in the name of your city fabricated? (Kind of the Robert Indiana LOVE gone wild photo op…

Looking for some ballpark costs.


Sherri Brueggemann




manager | public art urban enhancement division

city of albuquerque

O 505.768.3833



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<Big Metal Word Signs.pdf>