I know someone here who LOVES your book.  I'll ask him if he wants to do an endorsement.  His work is getting pretty popular so it might carry some weight.

Julia Muney Moore
Director of Public Art
Arts Council of Indianapolis

924 N. Pennsylvania St.
Indianapolis, IN  46204
(317) 631-3301 x 240
(317) 332-8382 mobile

On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 9:44 AM Lynn Basa <lynnbasa@lynnbasa.com> wrote:
...is asking people to write endorsements for the back cover.  With an editorial gun at my head, I'm asking anyone in this group who has found the first edition of The Artist's Guide to Public Art useful, either as an artist or in coaching artists.  My editor can send you a PDF of the almost-finished second edition for you to review.  At least this time it has a track record of readership, unlike the first edition when several generous souls stepped up and wrote endorsements because they believed it was time for a book like this.

So, please let me know and I'll forward your info to my editor.  She needs the endorsements by May 7 -- and, yes, that's because I put this off til the very last minute.  

Many thanks,

Lynn Basa
The Corner Project
(773) 289-3616

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