Please post as soon as you are able. We appreciate the assistance!
Jill M. Connors, MPA
Economic Development Director
City of Dubuque, Iowa
50 W. 13th Street
Dubuque, IA 52001
563-589-4213 (direct)
563-589-4393 (main)
From: City of Dubuque Arts & Cultural Affairs []
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2019 4:16 PM
Subject: Art on the River - Call for Sculptors!
Art on the River 2019: The Mississippi Magnified - Call for Sculptors
Existing sculptures sought that display an association or representation of the connection to the beauty, recreation, commerce, or currents
of the Mississippi River.
The City of Dubuque, Iowa, is soliciting entries from qualified artists for the 2019 Art on the River exhibit. This year's theme is, "The Mississippi Magnified." This is the fourteenth year for Art on the River, a temporary public art program
consisting of sculptures to be displayed in the Port of Dubuque. Each year up to 10 sculptures are chosen for exhibit at highly visible locations along the picturesque Mississippi Riverwalk. Information on past exhibits and maps of the Port of Dubuque and
art locations are available on the City of Dubuque’s website at
Proposals are due by 5 p.m. CST on May 13, 2019. Click on the button to the left to submit your proposal for an existing sculpture(s) that captures the connection to the
beauty, recreation, commerce, or currents of the Mississippi River. Complete details, criteria, and application instructions and are available at
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