Subject: St. Johns Cultural Council Executive Director Search




I’m taking the leap to retirement and new adventures in 2020.  Here’s the information and please forward to folks who would be interested and would be a good fit.  My last day will be December 31 and we hope to have someone on board by mid-November.


FYI,  St Augustine is in NE Florida, just south of Jacksonville and on the Atlantic Ocean.  Great climate, no income tax, County school system is #1 in Florida.


Terrific opportunity.  Majority of the position  (and overhead and personnel costs) is funded by bed tax on a five year contract with the County for Cultural Tourism Marketing and a grants program.

Other aspects are the usual LAA artist and smaller/emerging arts development programs funded by state grants and private sector fundraising.


While I’m happy to answer questions,  please direct all resumes etc. to the search firm.  We want to make sure this is as objective a process as possible.


The position description is posted on AFTA Jobbank and here:



Andrew Witt

Executive Director

St Johns Cultural Council

15 Old Mission Avenue

St. Augustine, FL 32084

904.808.7330 o

803.553.9808 c

