Hello Beth,


Here are two working definitions of “emerging artist” that I find useful–


“…those early in their artistic careers (regardless of age), who are gaining momentum, and may be at a critical juncture in their career when this support would be the most impactful. These artists demonstrate potential in their practice through risk-taking and pushing their work in dynamic ways, and are not yet considered well established professionally by indicators such as major gallery representation, significant exhibition history, awards and commissions, or sustaining an income derived solely from art sales.” via Joan Mitchell Foundation


“There is no exact and singular definition of an emerging creative artist. The [Jerome] Foundation looks at the term “emerging” in terms of artistic development, professional accomplishment, and recognition. Jerome seeks to support those artists who show significant potential, but have yet to be significantly recognized. Examples of recognition include exhibitions, critical reviews, commissions, performances, grant awards, residencies, fellowships, publications, and productions. The Foundation considers not only the number of these acknowledgements but also timing, size, characteristics, geographic context, and significance.” via Jerome Foundation


Tara Foster


MTA Arts & Design

2 Broadway, 16th Floor

New York, NY 10004

