City of Albuquerque Public Art Urban Enhancement Division, Cultural Services Department

4 full time staff (with other duties such as grantmaking and cultural planning)

Annual 1% for Art budget approx. $600,000

40-50 projects p/yr including one-time purchases and on-going, multiple year projects

MSA Population approx. 890,000


COA Logo_Horizontal_CulturalServces-SMALLERRRR


manager | public art urban enhancement division

city of albuquerque

O 505.768.3833


From: [] On Behalf Of Janet Zweig
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2019 8:13 AM
Subject: staff vs. # of projects


Greetings again,


I have been asked to testify at the NYC City Council regarding the NYC Percent for Art Program and I want to bring facts in order to be supportive. 


 I found the Survey and the chart that is being shared on this Listserve very helpful but I want to bring some comparative specific statistics for large cities.


Currently NY Percent for Art is managing 167 projects with three staff members (!) Can anyone give me comparable stats for other cities? How many projects at one time and how many staff members to handle them?


I appreciate your help - this is in support of the NYC program.


Janet Z.



Janet Zweig, LLC

54 Willow St. #4A

Brooklyn, NY 11201


mobile: 917-282-4010









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