Hello PAN Members,

We are a city of about 61,000 people. About 3 years ago our City Planner took a job in another city and the position was never filled. It was housed within the Engineering Department. Those of us doing large scale projects through which we interact with and revitalize the city are highly aware of the need for a person in this position. Many city improvements are brought to the city from outside of the administration; and other organizations are trying to take on the role of oversight and coordination but it will be a relief to all of us when this position comes back. 

The city is on better financial footing now and the Mayor plans to reinstate a planning position later this year. The amazing thing is that he is restructuring it so that it will include more interaction and connection with our newly designated Cultural Arts District, as well as a couple of arts-focused placemaking projects occurring here.  

In helping the city as they determine the exact nature of this planning position, I am writing to ask if anyone within a city administration, or familiar with one, might have access to a job title/description that would incorporate aspects of city planning with cultural district oversight, or any other creative combinations that would advance creative placemaking while also serving the city in some essential planning. 

Many thanks for any information anyone can provide. This is a pretty exciting development here and has been a long time in coming.

Mary Kramer

Art Spaces, Inc.

Terre Haute, Indiana


812-235-2801  x4
