Hello Sarah,

Thank you for continuing to update this excellent resource! I have used it many times and really appreciate all of the work you put in to keep it current and available.


On Tue, Mar 10, 2020, at 9:50 AM, Sarah Conley Odenkirk wrote:
Hi Fiona,

I maintain a database on my website for most, if not all, public art in private development ordinances.  You can see the executive summaries and all underlying materials on the database.  If you scroll down to the “PAPD Database” section, you can register for free access. I have actually just updated the Resource Guide that contains all of the executive summaries, so if you want to purchase that resource, it is truly the most up-to-date version and a great reference to have on hand.  

Please let me know if I can answer any questions about the database contents or more specific questions about crafting ordinance language and policy, community outreach, and broader implications of public art ordinances.


Sarah Conley Odenkirk
6253 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 201
Los Angeles, CA 90028

Office:  323.499.1144 
Cell:  310.990.9581

On March 10, 2020 at 6:14:10 AM, Fiona Bond (fiona@creativewaco.org) wrote:

Hello PAN colleagues,


We are trying to find examples of effective language for a new percent for arts ordinance for Waco, Texas.

We would welcome your examples of ordinances that you have found great, and examples of language that has been problematic (for whatever reason).


If there is a pre-existing resource out there we should be using for best practice, then we’d love to know about it.


Thank you so much,



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