I may be late to the party in response but we do have a resource page where we are logging relief funds, resource pages and other helpful tools, articles and creative opportunities.




Ruby Lopez Harper

Senior Director of Local Arts Advancement

Americans for the Arts

202.371.2830 x2079


From: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com <public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com> On Behalf Of Crystal Young-Otterstrom
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 10:54 AM
To: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com
Cc: Narric Rome <nrome@artsusa.org>; Ann Graham <info@texansforthearts.com>
Subject: RE: Cultural Relief Funds re: Covid19


Could afta keep a list of these relief funds also also share it with all of us on the SAAN? Cc'ing Narric and Ann in case they are not in the PAN listserv. 



Crystal Young-Otterstrom
Executive Director // Utah Cultural Alliance

801.652.0737 // cyo@utculture.org
254 W 400 S #302 SLC, UT 84101

More info: www.utculture.org
Events, jobs, map, funding, directories, and more: www.nowplayingutah.com




On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 8:46 AM < > wrote:

Keeping in mind that GRACE was created before COVID-19 when our main concern was keeping our workers housed and financially stable, here’s how we do it.


We meet with the applicant personally (which may not be practical for all of you). While they are here, we call the creditors from whom they have received invoices or bills that they are having trouble paying. The bills usually include account numbers to which we refer in our conversations. I always get the name of the contact at the creditor’s office and send the GRACE Fund payments to their attention. We have never had trouble getting the funds credited correctly.


We made these policies after speaking to our local homeless agencies and nonprofit partners who work with distressed communities all the time (which we did not). They had experience with people in dire circumstances, experience from which we benefited. Their caution to us was that we reserve our resources for the arts and culture field and not become targets for people who might be looking for ways to game the system.


GRACE donors seem to be reassured by that. In fact, we often are able to negotiate discounts from creditors on behalf of our applicants because they know they will be paid quickly and in one lump sum by GRACE Funds.


Let me know if you all have any more questions. Wild times.



From: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com [mailto:public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com] On Behalf Of Julia Muney Moore
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 10:34 AM
To: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com
Subject: Re: Cultural Relief Funds re: Covid19


We are keeping an internal list of these relief funds, as we are creating our own. Thank you again for the information on the GRACE fund.  My question is: logistically, how does paying the bills directly to the institution work? Have there ever been problems with the payments not getting credited properly? 

Julia Muney Moore (she/her/hers)

Director of Public Art


924 N. Pennsylvania St.

Indianapolis, IN  46204

(317) 631-3301 x 240

(317) 332-8382 mobile




On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 10:18 AM Vasser-Elong, Jason - Jason.Vasser-Elong at ltgov.mo.gov (via public_art_network list) <public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com> wrote:

Agreed, thanks for sharing this. I posted this (to your credit) on my LinkedIn page as well.

Jason N. Vasser-Elong, M.F.A. |  Program Specialist II |  Missouri Arts Council 
314-340-6858 (direct line)  | jason.vasser-elong@ltgov.mo.gov
815 Olive Street, Ste. 16, St. Louis, MO 63101
Visit our Website! www.missouriartscouncil.org 

-----Original Message-----
From: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com <public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com> On Behalf Of Brueggemann, Sherri
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 9:07 AM
To: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com
Subject: RE: Cultural Relief Funds re: Covid19

This is awesome. Are you willing to share your criteria for how the grants are awarded?

-----Original Message-----
From: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com [mailto:public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com] On Behalf Of lz@knoxalliance.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 7:58 AM
To: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com
Subject: RE: Cultural Relief Funds re: Covid19

We created the GRACE (Giving Relief to Arts, Culture, and Entertainment) Fund last year. Here's the link:


-----Original Message-----
From: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com [mailto:public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com] On Behalf Of Brueggemann, Sherri
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 9:48 AM
To: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com
Subject: Re: Cultural Relief Funds re: Covid19

We are looking into this now in Albuquerque. This is my first priority telecommute assignment
😳, so I’m looking for examples of criteria as well and will share what we come up with.
Sherri Brueggemann
City of Albuquerque

> On Mar 17, 2020, at 5:36 AM, Rodríguez-Drix, Gina <grodriguez@providenceri.gov> wrote:
For those of you running these out of municipalities, how are you dealing with slowed down procurement?
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> On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 11:06 AM -0400, "Anderson, Che" <AndersonC@worcesterma.gov<mailto:AndersonC@worcesterma.gov>> wrote:
> Greetings All,
> As cities and towns take proactive measures to limit the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), I wanted to reach out and see if anyone is creating relief or opportunity funds specific to cultural institutions and individual artists/ creatives. We are looking to develop a process in Worcester and I wanted to know if there were any templates/ best practices for assistance.
> Thank you
> Che
> Ché Anderson
> Deputy Cultural Officer
> Cultural Development Office
> Division of City Manager Edward M. Augustus, Jr.
> City of Worcester | 455 Main St., Worcester MA 01608
> P: 508-799-1175 x31310 | E:
> andersonc@worcesterma.gov<mailto:andersonc@worcesterma.gov>
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