
Thanks for following up.  At this point, I can't commit to even attending the Summit even though it is going to be Denver.  All travel, professional development, major purchases, and capital development it under review.  Let's hope we all still have jobs in October!

When you said I thought we might have a winner...what were you referring to?  I need you to refresh my memory, please.  Working from home is challenging and it has been a very long week!

Stay well.


From: <> on behalf of Patricia Walsh <>
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 2:01 PM
To: <>
Subject: AFTA 3/27 Weekly Roundup

Hi PAN Listserv,


This week’s Web Roundup is live! It’s been a busy week, between the new federal coronavirus stimulus bill and all of us working to adjust to the new reality of social distancing and working remotely. Click here to read the Weekly Web Roundup, which includes links to this content:



Patricia Walsh

Public Art and Civic Design Senior Program Manager

Americans for the Arts

1000 Vermont Ave NW 6th Floor

Washington, DC 20005-4940

202.371.2830 x2024

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