I realize this question might be too soon, but I'm about to teach a class to a bunch of anxious artists who are interested in hearing our best guess.  With respect to your own programs:

1)  Are funds that are already allocated for commissions going to stay in the pipeline or will they go away?

2)  Will you be issuing new RFQ's or are you getting signs that everything is on hold?

Thank you,

Lynn Basa, President
c: (773) 289-3616 
2912 N. Milwaukee Ave. (storefront)
Chicago, IL 60618
The Milwaukee Avenue Alliance is a nonprofit group of business and property owners, arts and service organizations, elected officials focused on the equitable cultural and economic revitalization of Milwaukee Avenue between Kimball and Central Park in Chicago's Avondale neighborhood.
If you would like to volunteer, please complete this short survey.