Hi PAN Listserv,


Passing along from our partners at the U.S. Conference of Mayors…If interested see attached for contact information and more details.


We are following the initiative’s origins in the UK last week with lighting every possible major landmark and billboard across the United States in BLUE with a message of thanks and support, and combining it with the type of #clapbecausewecare initiatives that have begun around the world. The UK got over 130 major venues on board, which you can see in the following link: #lightitblue.


Our goal is to continue this wave and light cities across the US BLUE next THURSDAY NIGHT, APRIL 9, at 8 PM local time, with supporting amplification via #lightitblue and #makeitblue.



Patricia Walsh

Public Art and Civic Design Senior Program Manager

Americans for the Arts

202.371.2830 x2024