I wasn’t at the meeting Jim, so don’t know the reason behind sharing, but I like the thoughts shared by Jeremy Strick. Here is the link to the source article, which goes more into what the funding model and private/public/institutional partnerships might look like: https://news.artnet.com/opinion/new-deal-art-may-unrealistic-create-public-art-1850631.


From: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com <public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com> On Behalf Of Hirschfield, James
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2020 1:08 PM
To: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com
Subject: Article about Jeremy Strick of the Nasher Sculpture Center's survival plan for America's artists


The article I mentioned at today’s meeting.





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