I am moving forward full-steam ahead with our Art-in-Architecture Program and posting calls. Reviewing semi-finalist portfolios for selection is fairly easy to conduct remotely with the Committee.
However, I am going to need to have a finalist selection meeting before our state’s stay-at-home order is lifted. Our finalist meetings have always in person. I work to make artists as comfortable as possible during the presentation process. Because no matter how long an artist has been doing them, the presentation process can be intimidating.
Because of varying technical abilities with presenters and participants, I find remote presentations difficult. But the construction project is moving ahead and the art project must move with it.
Fortunately, this Committee for my first remote selection is very thoughtful, articulate, and accommodating. That will help a lot. Any advice for how to conduct a selection committee meeting remotely? Techniques? Ideas? Experiences?
Many thanks.
Linda Norbut Suits
Art-in-Architecture Coordinator
mobile | 217.494.7271
linda.norbut.suits@illinois.gov | www.illinois.gov/cdb/services/art
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