Hi Julia,I believe the goal is to select an artist and then work out a fee and a budget for the project. If you would like more info, please contact Brandy at:419-787-9112.
Nathan Mattimoe
Art in Public Places
The Arts Commission1838 Parkwood Ave.Suite 120Toledo, OH 43604
P: 419.254.2787 Ext. 1011On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 5:15 PM Julia Muney Moore <jmoore@indyarts.org> wrote:Nathan, do you have an idea of what the fee is for this mural? It doesn't say either in the RFQ or on the website. Our policy is not to post calls without a fee quoted; or, if someone refuses to give a number, we list them as "volunteer" which may not be accurate. Too bad, because we have a number of muralists who would get very excited about this project.Julia Muney Moore (she/her/hers)Director of Public Art924 N. Pennsylvania St.Indianapolis, IN 46204(317) 631-3301 x 240(317) 332-8382 mobileOn Fri, May 22, 2020 at 1:06 PM Nathan Mattimoe <nmattimoe@theartscommission.org> wrote:Hello All,A huge mural installation opportunity has recently been launched by a private group of Toledo OH citizens and stakeholders. The Arts Commission of Greater Toledo is acting as a consultant on the project.From the call (also attached):The Steering Committee of the Glass City River Wall Project is seeking qualifications from artists to support the installation of an artistic mural at the ADM (Archer Daniels Midland) Grain Silo facility in Toledo, Ohio. It is our committee’s goal to sponsor this installation at the silos that grace the east side of the Maumee River, near downtown Toledo.
We have created this public art project as a way of demonstrating our commitment to urban renewal and to showcase our city’s vibrant culture, community history and ADM’s mission.
Submit your interest via the RFQ form at:
Send questions and supplemental files via email to brandy3000@gmail.com .
Contact our steering committee at 419-787-9112.
Deadline is June 15th.
Thanks!Nathan Mattimoe
Art in Public Places
The Arts Commission1838 Parkwood Ave.Suite 120Toledo, OH 43604
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