

Historically, these early programs were established at 1%, but many programs are less or more. I know that some private sector “percent-for-art” programs are at 2%.  Sometimes there are caps, e.g. 1% up to $500,000 or some other number.  It sounds like you’re talking about private development, not just public capital projects.


Attached is the 1979 Public Art Ordinance we use in Cambridge, MA. This ordinance established our percent-for-art program and applies only to publicly funded capital improvement projects, not private sector.   For Cambridge, the 1% is of the city construction budget, i.e. it excludes funds from state or federal sources. Sometimes it does not include the design budget. The city already owns the property, so land is not a factor. For some years we had a cap placed on the 1% on many projects and subsequently worked on having the cap lifted. There are other factors that can impact parameters of projects, such as whether the funds can be used for programming or if they need to be spent within a particular time frame, depending on the source of the funds.


I’d be happy to schedule a call if you want to chat about it.




Lillian Hsu, Director of Public Art and Exhibitions

Cambridge Arts

344 Broadway, 2nd Floor

Cambridge, MA 02139

T 617-349-4389; F 617-349-4669

TTY 617-349-4621

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From: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2020 3:40 PM
Subject: Percent for Art Ordinance


Hi Everyone,

I am beginning to work on a Town Ordinance that would create a Percent for Art program to be applied to any new commercial or residential developments within our Town.

I am reaching out to see if anyone would be able to provide examples of similar ordinances I may use as a reference or template? 

I'm also interested in learning how you decided what the percentage would be and what factors were taken into consideration in determining the developments construction costs?  For example, is it the actual/final cost of construction or estimated costs prior to Town approval?  Is the price of purchasing the land also taken into consideration, etc?  

Thank you in advance for your assistance!


Scott Mumma


Huntersville Public Art Commission

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