Hi PAN Listserv,


As some of you may recall, in July of this year President Trump signed an executive order on Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes. As part of the order, a task force was assembled “to establish a statuary park named the National Garden of American Heroes (National Garden).” To move forward with this, there is a campaign to gather additional American Heroes to the 31 listed in the order, and a campaign to find locations for the park.


What I want to point out as it may be of most interest are the letters from governors and county officials to identify a location for the park. As far as we are aware no decision has been about the location or who, in addition to the 31 names listed in the order, will be represented in the park.


Quite frankly, we were surprised that this project moved so quickly and AFTA will continue to track the progress this project. Of course, we are in the middle of an election and at this point are unaware of what impact the election results may have on this project.


We will keep you apprised of anything we hear, and please feel free to share any insights you may have as well.


Whatever happens next, please enjoy your well-deserved long weekend.


Stay safe,


Patricia Walsh

Public Art and Civic Design Senior Program Manager

Americans for the Arts

1000 Vermont Ave NW 6th Floor

Washington, DC 20005-4940

202.371.2830 x2024


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