Hello all,

Our agency, Colorado Creative Industries, is working on collecting data for all our programs so that we can assess how to best serve our entire state in the most equitable way. As we start this process, I am curious how other public art programs are collecting demographics data (including data about site locations and audiences) and how you might by using this information in any decision making processes. I'm also interested if any programs have examples on how diversity, equity, and inclusion are being considered in your agency's art selection processes. 
Any information, insights, successful methods, etc. would be most appreciated. 



Ruth Bruno

Director, Administration & Partnerships

C 303-880-6671

1600 Broadway, Suite 2500, Denver, CO 80202

ruth.bruno@state.co.us | www.coloradocreativeindustries.org

Under the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA), all messages sent by or to me on this state-owned e-mail account may be subject to public disclosure.