Hi Pax,
A few years ago, the City of Mercer Island shifted to universal CHPL signage for our public art plaques. We currently use
Fossil Industries to fabricate the signs, which are 3” by 6” and include:
I attached an example of the sign template that we use.
In 2020, I planned to work with the Mercer Island Arts Council to move in a new direction for interpretive signage to provide more information/context about artwork, prompts for engaged looking, artist involvement in the creation of signage,
etc. Alas, COVID derailed that plan! Hopefully in 2021 we can resume our work to enhance public art interpretation and strengthen connections between the artwork and the viewer.
Happy New Year!
Sarah Bluvas, MBA
Economic Development Coordinator
City of Mercer Island
O: 206.275.7864 | C: 206.549.1032 |
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have modified our operations. Thank you for your patience.
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From: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com <public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com>
On Behalf Of Pax
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2020 8:22 AM
To: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com
Subject: plaque stand examples?
Hey everyone!
I would love to see examples of outdoor sculpture plaque stands that folks use. We are not going to place the plaques right on the concrete bases, because some of them are in raised beds. Instead we are going to have stands in front of
them with printed aluminum plaques attached. I’ve gotten artist input that varies on what they’ve seen in exhibits they’ve been in, and I thought maybe you could share some images of what you have used. Attached is the initial idea sketch I made for what
I was thinking we’d use, plus a photo of another I’ve seen that used double sided heavy-duty tape rather than bolts to secure the plaque. I have a local artist/fabricator who is working with us to make them, and I want to be able to communicate very clearly
what we need and also keep the cost as low as possible. Augusta does not have enormous pockets, but we’ve got creative thinking and a lot of can do.
Also! I’ve been enjoying the lively conversation about public art maps and marketing practices.
We just signed on with Otocast, and it is very exciting! Eric Feinstein is brilliant at arts marketing and Otocast is awesome.
We’ve also used a platform created by the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship to offer homemade digital tours.
Thank you everyone for all the amazing expertise!!! This listserv is the greatest tool in the public art admin shed!
Pax Bobrow
Project Manager
Greater Augusta Arts Council
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