Hi Lisa:

The Utah Cultural Alliance along with one of our grantees "Now Playing Utah" have and/or are creating a culture map here. As you see it has different layers for organizations, venues, artists and public art. It is also based on the Artopolis platform.


Good luck.


Jim Glenn

Acquisitions, Design, Public & Visual Arts Manager

Utah Division of Arts & Museums

801.245.7271 or 801 808 4557


Please note: Our Public Art & Visual Arts offices and galleries are closed until further notice. The best way to reach staff is via email or mobile listed above. 

On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 12:05 PM Burk-McCoy, Lisa <Lisa.M.Burk-McCoy@dncr.nh.gov> wrote:

Hi all!


I writing on behalf of a N.H. regional arts coalition that is developing a creative asset directory.  The directory would be presented online as an interactive map that would layer arts and culture assets so they could be explored by discipline (and/or other identifiers), and providing geographical context with nearby businesses, historic sites, trails, etc. The finished tool should be simple and approachable for users.  While this project is not restricted to public art, I’m assuming that some of you might have worked with similar models to map and connect people to public art.  I have two questions:


1.     Can you recommend web designers that have experience working with mapping programs?

2.     Can you share any examples of websites that use this sort of mapping model that the coalition could reference to explain the concept to others?


Thank you for your help!


Lisa Burk-McCoy


Creative Communities & Arts in Health

New Hampshire State Council on the Arts

19 Pillsbury Street . First Floor . Concord, NH . 03301

lisa.m.burk-mccoy@dncr.nh.gov . 603-271-0794



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