Hi Roberta,

If you compile a list of Public Artists working in kinetic forms I would definitely like a copy of the list of Artists. 

Vicki Scuri
Vicki Scuri Siteworks
206-930-1769 cell

On Feb 3, 2021, at 10:03 AM, debby coles-dobay - debby_cmi at me.com (via public_art_network list) <public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com> wrote:

I have been working extensively with kinetic artworks and many artists since 2013. Perhaps we can connect to discuss your needs.

Debby Coles-Dobay
Art Moves You

Facebook: @ArtMovesYou
Instagram: @ArtMovesPB

On Feb 3, 2021, at 12:41 PM, Bloom, Roberta <rbloom@auroragov.org> wrote:

Good Morning PAN Members,

On behalf of one of the private developers our city is currently working with, I am looking to hear from artists creating exterior kinetic works and from colleagues who can share names and contact information for artists currently active in this area.

Thank you,

Roberta Bloom

Roberta Bloom 
Public Art Coordinator 
Department | City of Aurora 
office 303.739.6747  
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