Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Public Monument RFQ

The City of Fort Wayne's Public Art Commission is looking for sculptural artists to create a public art installation commemorating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The display will include quotes from King's 1963 speech given in Fort Wayne at the Scottish Rite Auditorium (currently the University of Saint Francis Performing Arts Center). The speech was arranged by a group of church and civic leaders in Fort Wayne led by the African American Frontiers Club. This speech is significant in that it was just two months before his historic "I Have a Dream" speech in Washington D.C.

DEADLINE: March 21, 2021
BUDGET: $250,000.00

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Amanda Golden, Managing Principal
Designing Local, Ltd. 
Pride | Legacy | Prosperity
www.designinglocal.com | 1.706.346.5696