Hi Johanna--I can't share an agreement with you, but here are some things we've found with a program like this:

1) 2 years is a great lease period, 3 years is better.
2) You'd want to budget at least $1,000 per year as a lease fee, plus a good reimbursement maximum amount for travel/transportation/installation (or provide in-kind services for installation). If you can afford $2,000+ per year, great.
3) When we've done it we've made sure the artist remains the owner of the physical artwork, but we've provided insurance for it while it is on our premises.
4) We have provided LIGHT maintenance such as cleaning off mud and graffiti, but not addressed major deterioration--contractually that is the artist's responsibility.
5) We have found success by not giving all the funds to the artist up front--to get the 2nd payment, the work has to be removed on schedule. Otherwise the work could get abandoned.


On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 2:58 PM Johanna Walczak <jwalczak@eastprovidenceri.gov> wrote:
Hi all,

We are currently developing a Call for Proposals for leasing a public art sculpture to be installed on public (city owned) land on a temporary basis (~2 years), rather than commissioning a new permanent piece. Does anyone have experience with this and would you be willing to share an example Call for Proposals and Artist Contract? I'm particularly interested to know how you handled transportation, installation/de-installation, insurance, and maintenance, as well as how much you budgeted for the artist fee/honorarium. Any other insight or special considerations for leasing agreements much appreciated.


Johanna Walczak
Senior Planner
City of East Providence
Department of Planning & Economic Development
145 Taunton Ave
East Providence, RI 02914

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