Thank you all who have shared....these are great examples and very helpful. How about temporary artwork that would be appropriate for short term display for educational events or festivals? Work could be mobile, incorporate light/projections, or sculptural???? 

Cat Peña
Public Art Manager
T: 901-751-7664 |C: 901-569-5266 

City of Germantown - Excellence. Every day.

On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 1:42 PM Peña, Cat <> wrote:
I hope you all are well today. I am working on a project that focuses on Trees and their ecological connection to the wellbeing of a city and its neighboring municipalities. I would love to tap into the hive mind to find examples of artists or collectives that employ socially engaged practices and/or make interactive sculptures focusing on Trees/ Nature. 

Thank you so much, 
Cat Peña
Public Art Manager
T: 901-751-7664 |C: 901-569-5266 

City of Germantown - Excellence. Every day.